Monday, September 21, 2009

In March 2008, I celebrated my 48th birthday with all of my immediate family and my uncle Bud and aunt Liz (Dad's younger brother and his wife). Most people would think that my 50th birthday might be more of an event, but they wouldn't be members of my family. When I was 8 years old-- so 1968, for the arithmetically challenged-- my dad, who is a fully trained theologian (although this was before he earned his ThD), announced that my 48th birthday would fall on Easter. At age 8, this seemed a bit profound, and definitely not of any immediate import. Frankly, who knew if I would ever see my 48th birthday? Or cared?

Well, 40 years went by. Sometime during the Christmas break in 2007, when Matt and I were in Brazil, my dad mentioned the "Easter will be on your birthday probably for the only time in your lifetime" thing. The next occurrence would be in something like 2068, when Dad doesn't expect to be around to celebrate, and it seems a bit on the unlikely side that I will, given that no-one in our family that we know of has yet broken the 100 year barrier (although Grandma Magorian came close at 99 and 4 months or so). So we agreed-- definitely meet for birthday, celebrate it and Easter, get the family (or as much of it as cared to participate) together. We spent the required time discussing (some might say bickering, but again, these people don't understand the art of discourse a la Sales/Magorian) venues. I voted for the Alabama Gulf coast, having had some great pelican-in-the-morning beach experiences there in previous years, but my far too pragmatic brothers won out with the "but it'll be so crowded at the beach during Easter break" routine. Jim's recollections of 2 hour waits for dinner at beach restaurants was a compelling memory. So we agreed instead to meet at Cheaha State Park in northeast Alabama. If you haven't been there, think about it. It was great, and to say "uncrowded" doesn't begin to describe it...
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